Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

The perpetual Profession of seven religious students

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The STQP, India joyfully celebrated the perpetual Profession of seven religious students, Bro. Dino Pulickathadathil, Bro. Doney Palakuzhayil, Bro. Deepu Plathottathil, Bro. Robin Arackaparambil, Bro. Romal Kaniyamparambil, Bro. Jiby Edathiparamban, Bro. Stany Odanadan. The con-celebrated Holy Eucharist was presided over by the Major Superior, Fr. Shajan Pazhayil. Fr. Hormis Mynatty, the spiritual father and professor of the brothers delivered the homily, Fr. Davis Varayilan, cmi, the rector of Samanvaya theological college Bhopal, Fr. Vito A. Lipari and Fr. George Thumpenirappel, the representative of the parish priests were the con-celebrants on the altar. Rogationists priests and religious men and women from different congregations and near by communities participated in the celebration. Relatives, benefactors and friends of the brothers and community graced the celebration with their prayerful presence. After the Eucharistic celebration everybody enjoyed the table fellowship and congratulated the brothers for their definitive commitment.

Multipurpose Hall of the Indigenous People (Aetas) blessed

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Most Rev. Ruperto Santos, D.D., Bishop of Balanga, Bataan, presided over the Holy Mass for the Community of the Indigenous People (Aetas) in Matalangao, Parang, Bataan, on May 9, 2015. That same day, the Bishop and Fr. Herman Abcede blessed the newly constructed multi-purpose hall.

Fr. John Youn, who heads the apostolate for this community related to the guests and benefactors how the project of building such a structure came about. The hall which is fully furnished with a multi-functional classroom, computer room, library, clinic, bedroom and toilet, was built to facilitate the apostolate with the Aetas. May this work for the indigenous members of this locality flourish according to God's design!

Magnificat : concert for Indonesia mission

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On May 2, 2015 the St. Matthew Province, through the Oasis of Prayer and Saint Anthony’s Boys Village, held the Magnificat Concert, a fundraising activity for the benefit of the project (Seminary) in Indonesia mission. This is one of the many initiatives of the Province within the Rogationist Mission Day celebration of the Congregation. The Concert consisted of the performances of the Coro Tomasino, Liturgikon Vocal Ensemble, Magdalene Band, UST Wind Orchestra and UST Symphony Orchestra. It was a wonderful event for everybody. Friends, Benefactors and enthusiasts came to grace the said event.

Fr. Miguel De Silva's successful graduation recital


On May 3, 2015 Fr. Miguel De Silva RCJ, had a Graduation Recital, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Orchestral Conducting Emphasis), at Fr. Di Francia Auditorium, Rogationist College, in Lalaan 2, Silang, Cavite. The event was with special participation of the UST Symphony Orchestra, Coro Tomasino, UST Liturgikon Voice Ensemble, Jerick Itugot and Ms. Fatima Aquias. Fr. Miguel conducted the rendition of several classic masterpieces like: The overture NABUCCOof Giuseppe Verdi, the BASSOON CONCERTO in E Minor (3 Movements) of Antonio Vivaldi, the MASQUERADE of Aram Khachaturian (4th and 5th movements) and the MAGNIFICAT of John Rutter. It was a successful conduction and everybody enjoyed the rendition. After the event everyone greeted and congratulated Fr. Miguel for the successful completion of the course.

10th Year anniversary of RCJ Maumere-Indonesia

Grace-filled pilgrimage

Celebrating the

10 years of missionary presence




08 NOVEMBER 2014

Seminary Camping

The seminarians will gather together in the football field of Seminari Rogationis – Wailiti for a half day celebration starting with the group games and animation prepared by the community that aimed at team-building and camaraderie among the seminarians. There will also be moments of prayer and thanksgiving for the gift of vocation, for the gift of charism, for the gift of community life. The Evening will be capped with sharings and Cultural presentations coming from the seminarians – highlighting the richness of the cultures and traditions of Flores.


“I Love My Children”

The whole Seminary Community will gather the children attending our Sunday Apostolate in the different chapels and parishes of Seminary Apostolate for an afternoon of Rogate Children’s Gathering in Wetekara, one of the chapels of Habi where the Rogationists first inserted themselves in a Parish community. The community tied itself with the Animators of SEKAMI – parish catechists for children, to mobilize, animate, catechize, and look after the children. The children are also asked present some songs and dances for entertainment. Gifts and prices were also prepared for the children.  



The seminary will conduct a whole day seminar inviting all the students of the Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH), both the Aspirants and the Postulants and the Superiors and Formators of the different Religious Congregations here in Maumere. There will be two seminars: Young People of Today – answering the Call of God to be Workers in his Vineyard, facilitated by Fr. Henry Ramos, RCJ, with the aspirants and postulants as the audience; Mission and Formation: Consecrated Persons Actively Involving Themselves in the Mission of Christ, facilitated by Fr. Jessie Martirizar, RCJ, for the Professed Religious, Superiors and Formators of the different Religious Congregations enrolled in FISH. An agape concludes gathering.


In the afternoon, there will be the Blessing of the corner stone in the Rogationist Seminary in Ribang. Fr. Jessie Martirizar, as representative of the Superior General, will bless with cornerstone together with Fr. Henry Ramos and priests of the Rogationist Community in Maumere. This Seminary under the “Progetto Maumere” of the whole Congregation of the Rogationist will be the seedbed of Vocation here in Maumere as it will the place where the future “workers in the Lord’s vineyard” will be formed and educated.




The seminary will hold a youth camp inviting the youth groups coming from the different nearby parishes where the Rogationists are helping for the Sunday Liturgy. A Young Diocesar Priest will be invited to give an inspiration-vocation talk to the youth and will lead them to faith-experience-witnessing and thanksgiving through the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Afterwhich, there will be cultural presentations, testimonies and sharings from the different youth group.

In the evening, the parishioners will also share their moments of prayer and adoration as they take their turn in adoring and thanking Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, in a Community Adoration for Vocation




Mass for the commemoration of the 10th Year Anniversary of the Rogationists’ Presence in Maumere. The First Missionaries: Fr. Jessie Martirizar and Henry Ramos, together with the Bishop fof Maumere, Msgr. Gerulfus Kherubim Pareira, SVD will officiate the Celebration of the Holy Mass, together will some invited priests in the Diocese of Mauemre. Church and Government leaders, Religious Congregations, Former Rogationists, family, friends and benefactors of the Rogationists and people who were became part of the journey of the Rogationists here in Maumere will also be invited to take part in the celebrations. After the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, there will be a procession carrying the Statue of St. Hannibal from the Chapel going to the Seminary, accompanied by all the faithful. Feast of food, friendship and cultural presentations await the guests and visitors of the said celebration. In the afternoon, there will be the community “Barrio Fiesta” – games involving the local people of Wailiti and Kota Baru where the Rogationists are residents. A moment of silence and prayer will end the celebration with the Sky Lanterns sending the prayers of praise, thanksgiving and petitions of the Community to the skies.

Perpetual Profession of Bro. Henrikus Gualbertus

altAt around 4:00 in the afternoon, on the eve of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Chapel of St. Hannibal in FDZ Convent was filled with the majestic voices of the Rogationist Seminary Choir as they accompany Bro. Henrikus Gualbertus who will be professing his Perpetual Vows to the Congregaton of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus, through the hands of Fr. Breynard Peji, RCJ as the delegate of the Provincial Superior Fr. Herman Abcede. The Presiding Prelate is the Vicar of the Diocese, Fr. Wilhelmus Djulei Conterius, SVD. Some invited priests, in particular the Parish Priests where the Rogationists are present, were also present during Holy Mass. With the theme, “Let it be done to me according to your word”, Fr. Wilhelmus Djulei, in his homily, invited Bro. Henry and all the faithful, to look on the readiness and the faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary in answering the call of the Lord to become the Mother of the Saviour, that amidst the confusion and troubles that life is offering, the total trust and fidelity of Mary that God will never abandon his faithful people, becomes for us the model on how to become true followers of Christ in the modern times.

After the Holy Mass, there was a simple dinner and program offered for Bro. Henry. Family, friends, classmates, neighbors and ex-Rogationists were also present and greeted Fr. Henry. As tradition here in Maumere, a community dance closed the celebrations.


Ingenti danni del tifone Rammasun nelle Filippine

Il passaggio del tifone Rammasun (Glenda) ha creato ingenti danni nell’isola di Luzon (Filippine), dove si trovano alcune nostre Comunità. In particolare la Provincia di cavite è stata affetta dal passaggio del tifone. Si contano già decine e decine di morti e centinaia di migliaia di sfollati, case distrutte e alberi sradicati. Le nostre Case di Manila e Pasay non avuto grossi danni, invece la Chiesa ed alcuni edifici del nostro Centro di spiritualità “Oasi di preghiera”, di Silang, Cavite sono stati letteralmente sventrati e distrutti. Siamo vicini alla popolazione e ai Confratelli delle Filippine ed esprimiamo tutta la nostra solidarietà.



Esperienza di volontariato da Tarragona nella missione rogazionista di Qaraqosh, Iraq

Il campo profughi di Qaraqosh, nel nord dell’Iraq, dove i nostri confratelli svolgono il loro apostolato, dal giorno 1 all’11 di aprile ha vissuto momenti intensi di solidarietà nella piccola clinica della missione. Siamo grati a P. Mario Buonanno e alla nostra comunità di Tarragona che dalla Spagna ha preso a cuore questa missione e che, oltre a procurarci finanziamenti consistenti per le nostre attività umanitarie, ora ha reso possibile per alcuni giorni la presenza del Dott. Jesus Albiol per curare i bambini e coloro che sono accorsi numerosi  dai dintorni. L’amico dentista, che in varie occasioni aveva svolto un simile servizio nelle nostre missioni delle Filippine, è stato accompagnato dal P. Carmelo Capizzi, responsabile dell’Ufficio Missionario Centrale di Roma, e nei dieci giorni della sua permanenza ha praticato centinaia di estrazioni, otturazioni e cura di varie infezioni, lavorando a volte fino a 9 ore al giorno. Tutti hanno potuto apprezzare non solo l’abilità professionale del Dott. Albiol, ma soprattutto il suo tratto contraddistinto da sensibilità umana, da attenzione e simpatia in mezzo ai più piccoli che in mille modi gli hanno dimostrato stima e affetto. Un senso di profonda gratitudine anche al gruppo di giovani volontari francesi che lo scorso anno avevano acquistato tutte le attrezzature dell’infermeria, lasciandole al campo profughi come ricordo del loro servizio.



1st Rogationist Educators Congress: “Going One, Growing Global”

1st day- February 13, 2014

In the afternoon, the participants began arriving from their respective origins for their registration and accommodation. At exactly 5:00 PM, Fr. Wilfredo Cruz led the opening prayer for the entire event asking for the special grace of success of the entire congress.

Fr. Danny Montana, the main emcee during the congress, gave a general orientation briefing everybody regarding some details and concerns for the better facilitation of the whole event. He then introduced Fr. Gabby Flores, the Superior and Rector of SABV RC Cavite, for the Welcome address. Fr. Gabby shared about the intrinsic relation of the Education system and social transformation. He then mentioned the importance of reflecting the place of Rogationist Education and its role on the whole Philippine Educational reality. In line with this, he mentioned three things to consider: (1) To see, understand, and appreciate our identity (2) To look at our internal and external territories; (3) To take on or engage the challenges of our territories.

Fr. Danny then introduced Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the speaker for the recollection.

TALK: “Fr. Hannibal Mary di Francia’s Pedagogy and New Educational Challenges: Identity, Relevance, Perspectives”

In his talk, Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the General Councillor for Mission, emphasized the challenge of forming disciples and missionaries of the Rogate as the main goal of Rogationist Education. To realize this goal he highlighted some very important considerations:

  1. The value of the challenge as something that is a kind of life’s way of making sure that we truly desire the things we achieve, but above all, it brings about newness, richness, and fullness of life.

  2. He spoke of the Recollection as a kind of “home-button” that will enable everyone to return to the beginning and go back to the source.

  3. He proposed the Gospel Passage of the Rogate (Mt 9-35-38/Lk 10:2) as the inspirational text of the recollection and stating that it is in this passage that we can identify the origin, the source from where the Rogate is born, that is, from the compassion of Christ. He further explained that this going back to the source has 4 dynamisms: Starting again from Christ of the Rogate; Starting again from Fr. Hannibal, which leads back also to Avignone; “Going one, growing global”; and Compassion of the Christ of the Rogate. These 4 dynamisms are expressed into 4 keywords: SEE, FEEL, PRAY, SEND. From these 4 keywords are the challenges that confront the Rogationist Educator: Seeing with Faith: Recognizing the signs of times; Seeing with Love: Identifying a new anthropology; Seeing with Hope: The Rogationist Educator way of looking at man as God’s project. He emphasized also the importance of being disciples as Pray-ers  for good laborers themselves and the value of being sent as becoming good missionaries themselves.

The first day concluded with a welcome dinner at the Oasis of Prayer.

2nd Day Morning Session- February 14, 2014

The day began with the morning prayers followed by the Holy Mass presided by His Excellency Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, Bishop of Imus, and was concelebrated by the Rogationists priests. In his homily, Bishop Rey highlighted the three important tasks of a Rogationist Educator: to educate with love and compassion; to educate for the sake of the Gospel; and to educate to promote vocations in the Holy Church.

After the Holy Mass, a formal opening of the congress was held with the opening salvo and cultural presentation and the acknowledgement of all the participants with their head of schools.

Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the General Councillor for Missions of the Congregation of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus, imparted the message of the Superior General to the assembly.

Fr. Herman Abcede, Provincial Superior of the Rogationist Philippine Quasi-Province, welcomed the participants for the morning session. Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, Councilor for Missions and Charity of PQP gave the rationale and overview of the whole Rogationist Educators Congress.

Fr. Carlos Guzman, RCJ, Vice-Superior (SABV Cavite) introduced the keynote Speaker, BRO. ARMIN A. LUISTRO, FSC, Secretary of the Department of Education, who expounded on the given topic: “REVOLUTIONIZING THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATION: TOWARDS ASEAN INTEGRATION – EFA 2015 AND GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS” (Challenging the Private Educational Partners to Grow Global)

Bro. Armin began his speech emphasizing the reality of Education as something that touches on many aspects of life and that Education has to do with 2 things: Giving our students roots (founding story; to keep them anchored in their identity and context) and wings (global demands; to see the realities outside). He further extended the challenge in integrating Rogationist perspective in the education of Filipinos. He presented that the K to 12 curriculum prepared by the Department of Education as the minimum for Philippine education. He concluded the talk with a challenge posed to the Rogationist of confronting the 3 objects of education, in partnership with DeptEd, that are not fully addressed by society: 3 million out of school youth (are you ready to partner with DeptEd in addressing this; Indigenous and Poor  Communities; and 200 thousand street children

The morning session ended with presentation of the plaque of appreciation to the keynote speaker.

2nd Day Afternoon Session Session- February 14, 2014

A song number from a student of RC-S was rendered to the assembly before the formal start of the session. Ms. Helen M. Mapa, Principal (RCP)introduced the guest speaker for the first talk of the afternoon session.

The Speaker, Dr. Carmelita Quebengco, AFSC shared her knowledge and expertise in forming School System of Association. The title of her talk was: “Going One: Towards an Association of Schools – Challenges and Commitments.” According to her, the talk will deal much  about the challenges, Commitments and Benefits of being an Association of Schools and the Important qualities of an Association: Mission-vision, policies, expectations..

After the talk, Fr. Herman and Fr. Dexter presented the plaque of appreciation to her. Then, immediately after that, MrsDarleen Gener, English Instructor of RC Cavite, introduced the second keynote speaker of the afternoon session. The second keynote speaker of the afternoon was, Dr. Catherine Q. Castaneda, Director for CHED, NCR. She expounded on the given topic:  “CASCADING EDUCATION THROUGH COMMUNITY EXTENSION PROGRAMS – CHOICES AND SUSTAINABILITY”



Ordination to the Deaconate

On Novemeber 9, 2013 at Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies chapel, about 4:00 in the afternoon six religious students were ordained to the Order of Deacon by His Excellency, Archbishop Socrates Villegas, D.D. of the Archdiocese of Dagupan-Lingayen.  Those six religious who were ordained are the following: Bro. Carlo Balaguer, Bro. Rg cagbabanua, Bro. Latina Tommy, Bro. Antonio Noccelado, Bro. Rogie Quinga, and Bro. kristian Taok. The Archbishop Socrates Villegas emphasized to the deacons the importance of prayer, sacrifice and love .  The bishop stressed the importance of Prayer, of Sacrifice and of Love in their diaconal life.



Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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