Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Ordination to the Diaconate of Six New Deacons at the St. Matthew Province

Through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque, six religious brothers from the St. Matthew Province were ordained deacons, on August 27, 2016, at the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies. Let our prayers for Revs. Jorem Bellen, Zander Conson, Mark Robin Destura, Jose Gasta, Jonrey Lauron and Espiredion Verano, Jr. continue as they begin this life of humble service.

Bro. Christian Allan R. De Sagun, RCJ

New Ordinadi to Diaconate

Pray for the new Ordinadi to Diaconate

Dearests: On August 27, 2016 at 4:00 in the afternoon 6 of our religious will be ordained DEACONS by His Excellency Bishop Jesse Mercado D.D. in the Holy Spirit Chapel, Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies.

Let us thank the Lord of the harvest and pray that these generous young religious will be holy laborers in the vineyard of Lord.

Thank you.

P. Herman Abcede, RCJ


Commemoration of the 6th Death Anniversary of Father Joseph Aveni

“The will of God is the best!”

The Rogationist “St. Matthew” Province commemorates

the 6th death anniversary of Fr. Joseph Aveni, RCJ

 “The will of God is the best because He is our Father.
He loves us in spite of our miseries, in spite of our sins…” (Fr. Aveni)

Canonical Visit to the Missionary Station of Melbourne, Australia

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, with Fr. John Joffer Lucas the Councilor on the Sector on the Rogate, Laity, Youth and the Parishes, just completed their Canonical Visit to the Missionary Station of Melbourne, Australia from June 21-29, 2016. The visit which was highlighted by the encounter with the two missionary priests there, was even made more interesting by the many significant events that fell within this short period. On the 25th of June, Fr.


On June 29, 2016 at 5:00 in the afternoon FR. CARLOS GUZMAN RCJ was installed as the 9th Rector of the Rogationist College, Silang, Cavite. The installation rites were held in the Auditorium of the School and attended by Fr. Orville Cajigal (representative of the Provincial Superior) some Rogationist priests and brothers, faculty and staff of the College, and representative students of the school. Officials of nearby educational institutions and heads of various agencies of CHED, DepEd and TESDA were also present to grace the said event.

Fr. Renato Arvin Ramirez from Melbourne

Installation of Fr. Renato Arvin Ramirez as Parish Priest of the Partnered Parishes of the Christ the King and the Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Rogate Center

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior spent time to be with the religious community of the St. Hannibal Rogate Center, which also house the Seat of the Province, its Postulancy Program and the Provincial Missionary Office. He dedicated June 8-10, 2016 to this Canonical Visit, which was highlighted by encounters with the religious and the postulants. The affair was officially opened with the celebration of the Holy Mass, which Fr. Abcede himself presided over, in the occasion of his 20th Priestly Ordination Anniversary. May St.

Perpetual Profession and 25th Anniversary

Renewal and Perpetual Profession of the Vows and 25th Anniversary of the Religious Profession of Bro. Eduardo De Palma - In honor of St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia, on June 1, 2016, the St. Matthew Province congratulated Bro. Eduardo De Palma in his 25th Anniversary of his Religious Profession, in a Eucharist celebration presided over by Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior. Within the same liturgy, 31 brothers renewed their vows, while 6 others, namely: Bro. Zander Conson, Bro. Jose Gasta, Bro. Jonrey Lauron, Bro. Marcelino Lavente, Bro. Ferdinandus Tanga and Bro.

Blessing of the Provincial Missionary Office of the S.M.P.

Graced by the presence of Fr. Orville Cajigal, the Provincial Councilor in-charge of the Sector on Charity and Missions, Fr. Herman Abcede blessed the newly organized Provincial Missionary Office (PMO), which links the Province to the Central Missionary Office in General Curia in Rome, facilitates the celebration of the annual Rogationist Mission Day, coordinates the preparation and implementation of projects in the missions, works on the Adoption schemes, and assists the missionaries in their varied needs. Thanks to the efforts of Bro.

Admission to the Novitiate and First Profession

Admission to the Novitiate and First Profession of the Vows at the St. Matthew Province


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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