Submitted by Jose Maria on Wed, 03/01/2023 - 11:52
(1 mar) Nell'ambito dei preparativi per il 20° anniversario della presenza dei Rogazionisti in Vietnam, i confratelli stanno ristampando la biografia popolare di Sant'Annibale in vietnamita, con l'obiettivo di diffondere maggiormente la conoscenza del nostro Fondatore in questa terra benedetta. I Rogazionisti sono arrivati in Vietnam il 14 giugno 2003. Attualmente ci sono 11 sacerdoti, 3 diaconi, 4 di voti perpetui, 11 di voti temporanei, 5 novizi e 4 postulanti di origine vietnamita.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Mon, 02/27/2023 - 16:28
(February 25) The Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) organized a SPORTS FESTIVAL for all the aspirants and postulants of the Diocese of Maumere in Indonesia. The program was held at the Community of the Brothers of the Holy Family, in Nita-Maumere. Fr. Petrus Marianus RCJ, FISH Coordinator, presided over the opening ceremony at 9:00 am. All the formands enjoyed participating in the organized games and sports that lasted the whole day.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Sun, 02/26/2023 - 19:14
Circa 2.000 giovani provenienti da diverse scuole cattoliche e parrocchie dell'Arcidiocesi di Cebu hanno partecipato all'edizione 2023 del Vocation Jamboree, tenutosi lo scorso 25 e 26 febbraio presso l'Università di San Jose Recolletos, Cebu - Basak Campus. Il VocJam ha lo scopo di promuovere la consapevolezza delle vocazioni, in particolare alla vita religiosa e al sacerdozio, con particolare attenzione alla preghiera per le vocazioni.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Wed, 02/22/2023 - 11:24
(February 18, 2023) All the seminarians with some of the religious have visited the three color lakes on the top of Mount Kelimutu (volcanic mountain) in Ende-Flores- Indonesia. This three color lake is one of the most beautiful and famous natural wonders of Indonesia. After this "one day" excursion, they also visited the home of Fr. Yoseph Emanuel Rua, RCJ, who prepared a sumptuous lunch for all and celebrated Holy Mass in the local chapel. In the evening of that day, they returned home safely.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Wed, 02/22/2023 - 11:21
(February 21, 2023) From the beginning of this week until now, Fr. Agustinus Afridus, RCJ is conducting vocation promotion in some schools in Ende-Flores (4 hours travel from Maumere). Through the coordination and help of some religious congregations and school principals, and the support of our confreres, this activity is being carried out at its appointed time.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Wed, 02/22/2023 - 11:13
The three-day PANAGSANGKA Camp 2023 ended on the afternoon of February 19, 2023. Based on a popular video game, the camp was successful in its mission to inspire campers to overcome their personal fears. The leaders of the five "empires" shared their experiences and knowledge gained during the camp. Certificates of participation were then presented to the campers. The camp master also announced each empire's cumulative battle points, which were tallied from the various activities that took place throughout the day and night.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Wed, 02/15/2023 - 11:36
I Postulanti della Provincia San Matteo sono stati inviati alla loro immersione apostolica durante la celebrazione eucaristica presso St. Hannibal Rogate Center il 15 febbraio 2022. Questa è la seconda delle tre fasi del programma di postulato.
Submitted by Siciliano Fortunato on Tue, 02/07/2023 - 10:07
WHAT IF MAGPARI Ko? | Eight courageous men coming from Bohol and Cebu participated the three days vocation orientation held last February 3-5. They spent moments of prayer, listening conferences and joining the seminarian's activities.
On the last day, they had one on one dialogue with Fr. Sherwin Valenzuela, RCJ the prefect of Discipline, Fr. Kristian Irvin Taok, RCJ - the Dean of Studies and with Fr. Jeffrey Salvador, RCJ - the Vocation Promoter.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 12:12
(1-5 febbraio) La Rogationist Academy Davao ha celebrato il suo 21° anniversario di fondazione con il tema: "In Sinodalità di Cuore, Mente e Scopo". È stata una celebrazione di ringraziamento per la bontà e le benedizioni di Dio sull'istituzione negli ultimi 21 anni al servizio dell'educazione dei giovani.