Quasi Provincia Indiana

Conclusion of Agrima 2016

In the afternoon of January 03, 2016, the religious seminarians meet came to the conclusion with the organized games and cultural program. Everybody enjoyed Agrima 2016 and during the final remarks, the Major Superior announced about the continuation of this event next January 2017.



Opening of the Year of Mercy and Jubilee celebration of Fr. Xavier. K

Januar7 03, 2016:- Fr. Xavier Kidangen celebrated the jubilee mass thanking the Lord for the 50 years of priesthood. We have opened the door of our chapel as a symbolical opening of the Holy Door. After the Eucharist celebration, we have expressed our gratitude to Fr. Xavier inviting his close family members and friends. A short meeting was held to express our gratitude and felicitations to Fr. Xavier. At the end of the meeting, Fr. Xavier and his family members contributed a substantial amount of money to the Major Superior to be used for the works of mercy during this extra ordinary jubilee year of mercy. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil unveiled the logo of the jubilee year of mercy and Fr. Unny Poottokan, explained the works of mercy expressed by the Quasi Province, through the apostolate of the "adoption at a distance" program.


Second day of Agrima 2016

January 03, 2016, The Rogationist STQP, celebrated the opening of the year of mercy in the quasi province,  the golden jubilee celebration of Fr. Xavier Kidangen, the spiritual father of the center of studies as well as the second day of animation of the religious seminarians' meet, Agrima 2016. We have started the day with a guided meditation on the terrace, praising the God of creation. Early morning after breakfast, 6 teams represented the different communities for the " Year of Consecrated Life Memorial Ever rolling Trophy Quiz Competition".  


Agrima 2016, Religious Seminarians' Meet, STQP, India

The Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province organized a two days gathering of the Religious-Seminarians Meet 2016, an initiative for the year of consecrated life. The gathering began on January 02, 2016 in the evening. Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly, the councillor in charge of the sector of formation welcomed all the fathers, brothers, novices, postulants and seminarians to this event. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, the major superior inaugurated the event, while Fr. Joby Kavungal, the chairman of the organizing committee explained the meaning of the theme of the year; AGRIMA 2016. After the inauguration we started the event with the recitation of the Rosary and ice breaking session with games and entertainment, animated by Mr. Doney Peter (Motivational Speaker and Idea Evangelist, focussed on envisioning, creating and implementing solutions to improve the quality of life of individuals, teams & companies) 



Reception of the Minor Orders

December 17, 2015:- The Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province, India rejoices for the reception of the minor order of our nine religious students. Five second year theology students, Bros. Christy, Jinto, Jithin, Lijo, Tony received the minor order of acolytate (hypodiocona) and Bros. Simoj, Albin, Manu, Danish received the minor order of lectorate (karoya)The celebration was held in the renewal center of the archdiocese of Ernakulam - Angamaly together with the other religious students of the diocese. His excellency Mar Sebastian Adayanthrath was the ordaining prelate. Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly together with Fr. Xavier Kidangen, spiritual father of the seminary con-celebrated for the ordination ceremony. 



Commemoration of the Third death anniversary of Fr. Philip Puntrello

The STQP, India started the general assembly

The STQP, India started the general assembly from November 17 - 19, 2015.  Fr. Shajan Pazhayil presided over the con-celebrated Holy Eucharist. Reflecting on the gospel (Luke. 19:1-10), he said; the call of Zacchaeus is a divine intervention. We have to see our vocation from this perspective of the call. Its is not our choice but God planned it and we have to believe in this call. Jesus purposefully entered Jericho to call Zacchaeus, with his limitation of shortness. To better understand our call, we have to climb the tree of prayer and locate ourselves in the branches of Faith, Hope and Charity. From these different perspectives, we have to understand the call and to respond to Jesus's call. The assembly resumed, extending a hearty welcome to all the conferers. The Major Superior and councillors made a short report about their respective sectors.



Visit of his Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alanchery

His beatitude Mar. George Cardinal Alanchery came to visit Fr. Xavier Kidangen. Fr. Xavier is a retired diocesan priest and a resident spiritual father of the center of studies, Rogate Ashram. Fr. Xavier is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of his priestly ordination. The cardinal had a short meeting with the available priests and deacons. He extended the jubilee greetings to Fr. Xavier and wished all the deacons a fruitful preparation and a fruitful ministry ahead. We had a coffee together and the cardinal left the seminary. 



Inauguration of the Preparatory year: Mission Indian Project


The Rogationist STQP, officially inaugurated the "year of preparation for Mission India Project"! Fr. Vinu extended a hearty welcome to all the august assembly. Fr. Shajan inaugurated the 'preparation year' . Fr. Jose Koikkara, CMI shared his missionary experience of North India. Deacon Deepu proposed the vote of thanks. The entire program was organized by deacons Romal and Robin, the first two candidates for north Mission. It is the desire of the Quasi Province to begin North and North East Indian Missions by next October 2016. The inaugural address of the Major Superior is given below:

Dearest Confreres,

To become missionary is an essential part of the nature of each Christians and much more for the Consecrated persons, who are called to follow Christ more closely. The understanding and assimilation of the Rogationist Charism, reveals the innate missionary aptitude inherent in the persons who receive Rogationist Vocation. The Rogationist Congregation is Missionary by its nature. The Missionary openings outside Italy began in Brazil, few years after the first general Chapter in 1945. The Rapid geographical expansion of the Congregation began after the Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary IV General Chapter of 1968. The Presence of Congregation  initiated in Spain in 1970, Philippians in 1976, USA in 1978, Rwanda in 1978, Argentina in 1979, in India 1987, Poland 1991, Albania 1992, Cameroun in 2000, Korea 2003, Mexico in 2004, Vietnam in 2004, Papua New Guinea in 2004, Indonesia 2004, in recent years mission presence in Sri Lanka, Germany, France, UK, Portugal, Australia etc.

Our Congregation in India began with the untiring support of Missionaries from Italy and Philippines. Now, when we consider St. Thomas QP, we have to devotedly remember the zealous missionary enthusiasm of our founding fathers in India who watered the seed of Rogate with their living faith and sacrifices. Fr. Antonio Berbangelo, Fr. Vito Lipari, Fr. Filippo Puntrello, Fr. Luigi Toffanin, Br. Nilo Pelepello, Fr. Rene Panllesigi, Fr. Ronie, Fr. Jessie, Fr. Gaby, Fr. Ulyses and so many others untiringly supported for the growth of our congregation in India. Experiencing the care and encouragement of so many missionaries, now we need to be matured to be missionaries by ourselves.

Today as we begin the preparatory missionary endeavour, let us take courage and clarity of mission outlook from the words of Pope Francis. In his message for Mission day of 2015 he points out, the mission is a passion for Jesus and at the same time a passion for his people. Let passion for Jesus and Passion for his People may guide our entire Mission India Program.

Dearest Confreres, today Oct. 20, 2015 is counted as a golden day in the history of Rogationists in India.

Today begins a new history, for today happens the missionary partition of our great mother country as North Mission; North East Mission, Central South mission and South Mission. The children of St. Hannibal in India receive from his spiritual heritage our portion of paternal inheritance so that we may be good workers in the vineyard of our India and beyond.

Today begins a new history, for today the Lord of the Harvest extend his powerful hand and points out the Promised Land, the land of blessing prepared for each one of us.

Today begins a new history, for today many young and vibrant Rogationist Religious express their willingness and happiness to be authentic missionaries, to bring forth the spirit of the compassionate Heart of Jesus in the large harvest of India and Sri Lanka.

Today begins a new history, for today marks the beginning of a new formative approach in our formation houses giving amble attention for missionary formation.

Today begins a new history, for today begins a year of immediate preparation of Mission India Program particularly that of North Mission and North East Mission.

Dearest Confreres Let the Rogate be Universal. Let us put hands and hearts together in this missionary endeavour. Through our mission, Let God be glorified! Entrusting the entire QP in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and under the paternal guidance of our beloved father founder, St. Hannibal M. Di Francia, I wish you all the best for this new mission opening. Invoking the divine blessing on all of us, I cordially inaugurate the Mission India Program.

Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, RCJ

Major Superior

Updates from Rogate Snahe Bhavan, Nalgonda

Construction of Fr. Luigi Memorial Vocational training center for the street,
School dropouts and working children is on progress with the grace of God and the generous people.
Please continue to pray for the realization of the project.....
with love and Prayer
Rogate Sneha Bhavan Community




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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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