La Rogationist Academy Davao inaugura il nuovo anno accademico

(26 luglio 2023) Il Rogationist Academy di Davao (Filippine) ha inaugurato ufficialmente il nuovo anno scolastico con una Santa Messa dello Spirito Santo presieduta da Padre Francis Paul Escano, Rettore della scuola e Superiore della Comunità Rogazionista di Davao. Nella sua omelia ha evidenziato le tre dimensioni della pedagogia rogazionista: ARAL, ASAL AT DASAL (Studio, Carattere, Preghiera) Durante la Santa Messa, gli insegnanti hanno anche prestato giuramento di fedeltà agli insegnamenti della Chiesa Cattolica. In seguito, gli studenti hanno ricevuto un orientamento sulle politiche e le linee guida dei diversi uffici della scuola. 

Il 1° agosto 2023, gli studenti hanno iniziato le lezioni del nuovo anno scolastico.

Rogationist Academy Davao begins the new School Year

(July 26, 2023) The Rogationist Academy in Davao (Philippines) officially opened the new school year with a Holy Mass of the Holy Spirit presided by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of the school and Superior of the Rogationist Community in Davao. In his homily, he highlighted three dimensions of the Rogationist pedagogy: ARAL, ASAL AT DASAL (Study, Character, Prayer) During the Holy Mass, the teachers also took their oath of fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Afterward, the students were given an orientation on the policies and guidelines of the different offices of the school. 
On August 1, 2023, the students went to the first day of classes of the new school year.


First day of classes of the new School Year 2023-2024.
Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of RA-Davao
Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of RA-Davao
First day of classes of the new School Year 2023-2024.
School leaders and teachers welcome the students on the first day of the School Year.
The teachers of RA-D.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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