Delegazione U.S.A.

Sister Mary Lilly, Daughter of Divine Zeal

December 5, 2020: Sister Mary Lilly, Daughter of Divine Zeal, celebrated her twenty fifth religious anniversary. Fr. Antonio Fiorenza presided the Mass and together with her we gave thanks to God for her silver religious anniversary. Congratulation Sister Mary Lilly!

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Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 3, 2020: on this day started off the novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Saint Anthony of Padua Church. This was the program: Rosary, talk and Mass.

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Virtual Vocations Congress “Jóvenes en Búsqueda”

Virtual Vocations Congress  “Jóvenes en Búsqueda”  (Youth in Search) Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 5 pm to 9 pm  St. Elisabeth Parish Van Nuys,CA


Vocations and Prayer - October - December 2020

In This Issue

Outstretched Hands

Vocations for the Peripheries of the World

Our Hands, Our Mission, Our Prayer

The Unbroken Chain

Promoting Peace, Justice, and the Integrity of Creation

Refocusing our Attention on our Relationship

with Christ

Called To Call Others

Words of Warning and Hope to the World’s


Lectio Divina - Luke 2:22-38

United with Jesus

“For you, Jesus. If you want it, I want it, too!”

On the Waterfront of Our Lives

Centro Educativo en Tonalà (Mexico)

El CENTRO EDUCATIVO ROGACIONISTA (CER) en Tonala, Mexico organizó la repartición de la despensa a 300 familias de bajos recursos. Las despensas fueron repartidas en el 12 de septiembre y fue realizada con el apoyo de la Familia Rogacionista y algunos laicos Voluntarios. 

The ROGATIONIST EDUCATIONAL CENTER (CER) in Tonala, Mexico, distributed food packets to  300 poor and needy families. It was  done on the 12 of september. The Distribution was made possible with the help of the members of the Rogationist Family and some friends and volunteers.

Sanger (CA - U.S.A.)

August 30, 2020: today the vocation promoters of the Delegation invited a group of men who like to discern their vocation. These men came from Lindsay, Reedley, Sanger and Van Nuys. All in all, there were nine men. The activities were: Mass, talk about Fr. Hannibal, Lunch, a roundtable vocation dialogue and finally some enjoy time for swimming.

Vocations and Prayer

È uscito il numero di luglio-settembre di Vocations and Prayer – The Catholic Magazine on Vocation Ministry, della Delegazione Nostra  Signora di Guadalupe, che fra l’altro tratta il tema New Strategies in Vocations Promotion. Si può scaricare la rivista.

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Delegazione N.S.G. (USA) Rinnovazione dei voti a Tonalá (MEX) e notizie da Ridley (USA)

Da Tonalá, Mexico.

Un giorno speciale

Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe, Sanger 5 luglio, 2020. Oggi nella nostra parrocchia  Saint Mary in Sanger, durante la messa delle 11, presieduta dal Superiore della Delegazione, P. Antonio Fiorenza, il postulante Adan Perez e' ufficialmente entrato in Noviziato. Hanno concelebrato P. Giovanni  Bruno, parroco, P. Renato Panlasigui, Maestro del Noviziato, P. Javier Francisco Flores, attualmente Superiore della comunita' di Reedley, gia' formatore del neo novizio mentre era in Messico.

Ingresso in Noviziato

Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe, Sanger 4 luglio, 2020. La Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe (USA-Mexico) e' in festa. Il giorno 29 giugno, solennità dei Santi Pietro e Paolo, due postulanti provenienti dal nostro Seminario di Tonalà (Jalisco, Mexico), Armando Nicolás Lázaro e Juan Reyes, dopo più di un anno di postulandato, sono entrati in noviziato, nelle Filippine.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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