The General assembly of Perpetually Professed Rogationist religious of India was convoked on April, 19, 2008 at Rogate Ashram, Aluva, in view of constituting the new Indian Delegation. The participants consisted of seventeen priests and three Deacons. The assembly came out with a new vision and mission responding to the current socio-political-religious scenario of India and in particular the Charism of the Congregation. On the last day of the General assembly, Fr. Giorgio Nalin, the Superior General of the Rogationists, announced the name of the new Delegate superior, Fr. Luigi Toffanin and his three councilors: Fr. Vito Lipari, Fr. Devassy Painadath and Fr. Varghese Panikessery as the secretary.

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riccardo's picture
Submitted by riccardo (not verified) on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 12:00
Alla nuova Delegazione Indiana i migliori auguri di ogni bene. La paterna intercessione di Sant\'Annibale assicuri a voi tutti la protezione del Cielo. P. Riccardo Pignatelli, rcj
aritorto's picture
Submitted by aritorto (not verified) on Sat, 04/26/2008 - 13:32
[size=medium][/size][color=green][/color] Superiore Delegato P. LUIGI TOFFANIN e CONSIGLIO La Comunità Rogazionista di Matera esulta e rende grazie ai Divini Superiori auspice il nostro Santo Fondatore, P. Annibale, con tutti i Confratelli indiani per la costituzione della nuova Delegazione Rogazionista Indiana e l\'elezione del suo primo Consiglio. Formula fraterni e sentiti auguri ed assicura preghiere per gli eletti affinchè lavorino con instancabile zelo per la crescita dei confratelli della nuova Delegazione, per l\'espansione della diletta Congregazione, la diffusione del Rogate e le relative Opere a beneficio dei piccoli e dei poveri nella cara nazione Indiana, campo fecondo di nuove vocazioni alla sequela di P. Annibale. I Divini Superiori per intercessione di S. Annibale facciano scendere grazie e benedizioni celesti sul nuovo Consiglio e l\'intera Delegazione Indiana. Fraterni saluti ed abbracci nel Signore. P. Greco Brizio e Comunità Religiosa Matera, 25-04-2008
vinajoe's picture
Submitted by vinajoe (not verified) on Sat, 04/26/2008 - 08:38
Our fervent prayers go to the new Indian delegation and the confreres called to guide it. We are very pleased by this new page in the history of the Philippine delegation, as well as the Indian delegation. To you we express our our best wishes as you start your new journey. We hope that one day, the Indian delegation will also give birth to other delegations. your confreres and the seminarians Vietnam mission station
efernandez's picture
Submitted by efernandez (not verified) on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 06:46
MABUHAY! my best wishes and prayers for all the confreres of the new indian delegation!THIS IS THE MOMENT!...a sine qua non for anyone who has reached a certain level of maturity. may this event in your journey as a community bring forth a fresh start and effect a renewed dynamism to all of you in your delegation, to our congregation and to the church. kudos! fr. ed fernandez, rcj
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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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