Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

CEBU Seminary: 3-day camping competition

The three-day PANAGSANGKA Camp 2023 ended on the afternoon of February 19, 2023. Based on a popular video game, the camp was successful in its mission to inspire campers to overcome their personal fears. The leaders of the five "empires" shared their experiences and knowledge gained during the camp. Certificates of participation were then presented to the campers. The camp master also announced each empire's cumulative battle points, which were tallied from the various activities that took place throughout the day and night.

Postulanti: un mese di immersione missionaria nelle baraccopoli di Manila

I Postulanti della Provincia San Matteo sono stati inviati alla loro immersione apostolica durante la celebrazione eucaristica presso St. Hannibal Rogate Center il 15 febbraio 2022. Questa è la seconda delle tre fasi del programma di postulato.

Rogationist Seminary- Cebu

WHAT IF MAGPARI Ko? | Eight courageous men coming from Bohol and Cebu participated the three days vocation orientation held last February 3-5. They spent moments of prayer, listening conferences and joining the seminarian's activities.

On the last day, they had one on one dialogue with Fr. Sherwin Valenzuela, RCJ the prefect of Discipline, Fr. Kristian Irvin Taok, RCJ - the Dean of Studies and with Fr. Jeffrey Salvador, RCJ - the Vocation Promoter.

Send O Lord, Holy Apostles into Your Church!

Rogationist Academy Davao @ 21

(1-5 febbraio) La Rogationist Academy Davao ha celebrato il suo 21° anniversario di fondazione con il tema: "In Sinodalità di Cuore, Mente e Scopo". È stata una celebrazione di ringraziamento per la bontà e le benedizioni di Dio sull'istituzione negli ultimi 21 anni al servizio dell'educazione dei giovani. 

RCP: 15 anni di educazione rogazionista: unità, collaborazione, condivisione.

(4 febbraio) La settimana di celebrazione del 15° anniversario del Rogationist College Paranaque ha messo in luce il talento degli studenti non solo nello sport ma anche in molti altri campi. Il concorso culturale ha messo in mostra il loro talento nella danza, nel canto e nella videografia. Le diverse squadre, che prendono il nome da personaggi storici del Rogazionismo (Vitale, Drago, Aveni e Buscio), hanno selezionato i loro rappresentanti per gareggiare nella danza popolare, nella danza moderna, nella canzone solista, nel duetto vocale e dei complessi musicali.

Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in Maumere

The Rogationists Mission Station of Indonesia celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the great Suplica. The celebration was held on our Seminary Ribang at 4:00PM started with the solemn eucharistic celebration presiden by the Superior of MSI (Fr.

Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15 & St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25

Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Program of Activities
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Holy Mass
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Holy Mass
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School joining in the celebration of the Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School joining in the celebration of the Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School joining in the celebration of the Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Family Day
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Family Day
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Family Day
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15.
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15.
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15.
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Motorcade.
Rogationist College Paranaque @ 15. Motorcade.
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25
St. Hannibal Multi-Level School @ 25

(29 gennaio - 4 febbraio) Il Rogationist College Parañaque (RCP) inizia una settimana di attività per il suo 15° anniversario di fondazione, dopo un’interruzione di tre anni dovuta alla pandemia di Covid-19. I festeggiamenti sono iniziati con un corteo alle 5:30 del mattino del 29 gennaio, a cui hanno partecipato tutti i docenti, il personale e gli studenti dell'RCP insieme alle loro famiglie, in quanto si trattava anche di un evento per le famiglie.

Feast of the Holy Name Jesus

The feast of the Holy Name Jesus played a key role in the spirituality of St. Hannibal Maria Di Francia, who included it “among the primary feast” in his institutions.

It is based on the promise of Jesus, “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you.

In line with this, today January 31, 2023, together with all the Rogationists around the world, the Rogamina community celebrates this feast solemnly.

The morning prayer started at 3:45am and followed by meditation then lauds and holy mass at 5:30 am presided by their superior Fr. Marcelino Diaz, RCJ.

Father Di Francia Center of Studies

SUPPLICA SNAPS | Here are some snaps from the Supplica, a pious practice handed down by St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia since January 1888 to the Rogationists and the Daughters of Divine Zeal.

In the Supplica, we thank the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus, who has guided and given us the graces that enabled us to go through the previous year. Together with thanksgiving are also petitions to continue his loving accompaniment as we face another year.

St. Thomas Aquinas Week 2023

The Rogationist Seminary College of Philosophy Manila located in Merville, Paranaque held the 2023 edition of St. Thomas Aquinas Week from January 23 to 28. It is an annual event to honor of the patron saint of the Rogationist Seminaries of the Province of St. Matthew, highlighted by conferences of distinguished professors of philosophy from different universities, presentation of research papers of the students, fraternity, sports, and liturgical celebrations. 

For this year's program, the distinguished speakers and topics are as follows 


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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