Quasi Provincia Indiana

​General Assembly of STQP – Second Day

2014-11-19.jpgThe second day of the General Assembly of the perpetually professed religious was a fruitful and enriching experience for the Quasi Province of India. We have began the day with the lauds and started the input session at 9:00 am. Fr. Jose Kuriyedath CMI, was our resource person. A Carmelite priest, former general councillor for 'education and communication media'. He has enlightened us about the importance and value of Education in the present Indian context. Based on the reflection, we have underlined the need to start an education apostolate for the Rogationists in India. The Major Superior, Fr. Shajan in his intervention explained the plan and projects of the QP for the next three years. He has emphasised the need to start a concrete educative apostolic presence in the same compound of Rogate Ashram. After serious discussions and dialogue all the members of the assembly expressed their appreciation for the initiative and detailed plan and study about the school proposal. The different areas of apostolate were discussed and we have foreseen the future growth of the QP in India. Considering the growing number of young religious, we have discussed the plan of "Mission India Project", in view of the possible mission opening in India and abroad. We have wished the Major Superior for his successful completion of the mandate and celebrated together the Holy Eucharist for the intention of the Major Superior. The general assembly was concluded with a dinner party together at Angamaly.



October 2014 in Mananthavady

1.jpgBirth day of Fr. Sabu

The Rogate Bhavan community joyfully celebrated the 40th birthday of Fr. Sabu, the superior of Rogate Bhavan on 10th of October. Fr. Sabu celebrated mass in the morning. The neighboring religious communities and the Gurudarsan novitiate house joined the community for the dinner preceded by a prayer service to wish and pray for Fr. Sabu.

Seminary meet competitions

As part of the inter seminary meet of the Mananthavady region , the seminarians of Rogate Bhavan Seminary participated in the literary competitions conducted at Mount Mary seminary on 19th of October. The results of the speech competitions (English and Malayalam) and poem competitions (English and malayalm) are already announced. The Rogate Bhavan seminary got the first prizes in English speech, Malayalam speech, Malayalam poem and second prize in English poem through Bros. Sheemon , Jijo, Sonumon, Midhun respectively. This superb performance of our young seminarians is a great joy to be proud of our glorious future.


Workshop on Psychology and counseling

Focusing on the human affective and spiritual formation of the seminarians the Roagte Bhavan community organized a workshop on self esteem meditation and sexual marturity from 28- 30 of October. The classes and counseling were given by Sr. Subha CMC. The seminarians acknowledged that it was a fruitful experience in their formation.

Greetings from Nalgonda

Dearest, Greetings from Rogate Sneha Bhavan-Nalgonda! How are you? Here we all are fine, doing well and worthy...  Prayerful and loving greetings to  all...  Here we are forwarding few photos of the work......Grotto work is on progress..., With love and prayer

Rogate Sneha Bhavan community

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The memory of the holy Archangels in Mananthavady

May the intercession and protection of our patrons holy archangels be with us always

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Greetings from Nalgonda

Rogate Sneha Bhavan Community joyfully celebrated Onam Festival in the presence of children, Postutlants, neighboring communities and Villagers


Rogationist Indian Quasi Province: entrance to the novitiate

The Rogationist Indian Quasi Province would like to thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We had a meaningful celebration of the entrance to the novitiate of 8 postulants, renewal of 30 brothers, first profession of 2 brothers, perpetual profession of 2 brothers. The parents of the brothers, relatives and friends, all our conferers participated in the celebration. The major superior received the vows and presided over the celebration. Fr. Unny shared the reflection, underlining the importance and challenges of religious life. I attach some photos. Thank you so much for your greetings and spiritual support.



Greetings from Rogate Sneha Bhavan, Nalgonda

Inauguration and blessing Rogate Sneha Bhavan


17.02.2914 - This evening at 5:30, his Lordship Rev. Govindu Joji blessed the newly constructed building and laid the foundation stone for Fr. Luigi memorial technical school. Fr. General, Fr. Vito, Fr. Shajan and a good number of priests con celebrated and graced occasion with their prayers and presence.

Reception of Fr. General, Fr. Vito and Italian benefactors

Priestly Ordination and First Holy Qurbana


 With joy and gratitude to the Lord, the Rogationist Indian Quasi Province cordially invites you to the Priestly ordination and First Holy Qurbana of 

  • Dn. Jain Ayyanamparambil rcj, 6th April 2013 
  • Dn. Vibin Edassery rcj, 13th April 2013
  • Dn. Samson Koyipurath rcj, 22nd April 2013



Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
© 2023 xxxxx