Quasi Provincia Indiana

Official inaguration of the new school year, ROGATIONIST ACADEMY, June 01, 2017

Aluva, June 01, 2017:- The Rogationist Academy officially opened the new academic year 2017-2018. It was colourful and a memorable opening day for the new children of our school. We have 60 new admissions for the Lkg Class, 10 new admissions for the Ukg class and 14 for Class I, together with the other children, who were part of the academy since last school year. The newly appointed school Principal, Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly extended a hearty welcome to the new children, new teaching staff and other non-teaching faculty, to the Rogationist Academy.

The celebration of the ordination to the Diaconate and minor order

Rogate Ashram Aluva, 1 June 2017: St.Thomas Quasi Province India is blessed with three more deacons. The celebration of the ordination to diaconate and minor orders was held in Rogate Ashram on 1 June 2017 at 10:00 am. The ceremony was presided by His Excellency Bp.Matthew Vaniyilkkizhakkel V C with the presence of Rev.Fr.Shajan Pazhayil RCJ the major superior and priests, religious and laity. Three candidates were ordained to diaconate. There were two candidates for the ministry of acolytate and two for the ministry of lectorate.

New superior for Rogate Ashram

Rogate ashram Aluva, 25 May 2017: The Rogate Ashram community has got a new superior in this year. Rev. Fr. Shibu Kavungal RCJ has taken the responsibility as the superior of Rogate Ashram,  after his fruitful service in the novitiate as superior and novice master. The ceremony of the handing over of the superiorship, held in Rogate Ashram on 25 May 2017, was preceded by Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ,  the major superior  in the presence of the former superior Rev. Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly RCJ and the religious members of the community. Fr.

Ceremony of First profession and renewal of vows

St.Thomas Quasi Province House Aluva, 16 May 2017: St.Thomas Quasi Province had a joyful celebration of the first profession of ten candidates, renewal of the vows of seven religious and entrance to Novitiate of twelve postulants. The ceremony held in Rogate Ashram was begun with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am. The ceremony was presided by Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, the Major Superior with the presence of a good number of priests, religious and laity. Rev. Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly RCJ, the rector of Rogate Ashram, welcomed everyone to the celebration.

Prima Professione Religiosa e nuovi ingressi in Noviziato

Martedì, 16 maggio, nella Casa di Aluva, Kerala, India, nelle mani del Superiore Maggiore, P. Shajan Pazhayil, emetteranno la prima professione religiosa Bro. Ajeesh Mohan, Bro. Abin Kolattukudy, Bro. Arun Chittupparamban, Bro. Abin Vadakumthala, Bro. Ajin Moolakunnel, Bro. Don Thottathil, Bro. Jijo Chirayarukil, Bro. Mathew Manalel, Bro. Shone Perukunnel, Bro. Shine Chrispose, nell’anniversario della nascita della Congregazione (1897) e della canonizzazione del Fondatore, Sant’Annibale Maria Di Francia (2004).

Rogate Chartity Center India conducted Rogate Youth Meet 2017

Rogate Charity Center Aluva, 29 April 2017: Rogate Charity Center made the initiative to empower the youth with the Rogate Youth Meet 2017. The Youth meet was held at Fr.Aveni Memorial Hall in Rogate Ashram on 29 April 2017. It was a one day programme, successful with the participation of around 150 youngsters who are part of the charity programme. The Meet was started with the official meeting presided by Rev.Fr.Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, the major superior with the presence of Rev.Fr.

Canonical Visit to the community of Rogate Bhavan, Manathawady March 04 - 05, 2017

​Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, the Major Superior of STQP, India spent few days in the community of Rogate Bhavan, Manathawady for his second  canonical visit from March 2- ​4, 2017. He was accompanied by Fr. Vinu Veluthepilly​. The community received them with a warm welcome and the visit was very fruitful and Fr. Shajan appreciated the community for their organisation of the formative program and preparation of all the documents and records of the house.

Rogationist Academy, 1 March. 17, Aluva

Rogationist Academy, 1 March. 17, Aluva: The Rogationist Academy, Aluva celebrated its magnificent and reverberating Annual Day and Kindergarten Graduation Day on Saturday, February 25, 2017 amidst great zest, vibrance and elation. Mr. Askar Ameer, a famous cine and serial artist was the esteemed Chief Guest. The event was graced by the presence of Dr. Abraham Francis, an associate professor in Social work and human services at James Cook University in Australia and Very Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, Provincial of the Congregation of the Rogationists.

Canonical Visit of Major Superior to Lanka mission- February 26-28, 2017

Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, Major Superior of Indian Quasi Province and Rev. Fr. Shibu Kavunkal, Tresurer, Novice Master and Councilor in charge of Rogate visited our Srilankan Mission at Avissawella. Two days visit highlighted dialogue and sharing with confreres Frs. Varghese, Lixon and bro. Rinu and discussion with Bishop Cletus and his council on the proposal to take over St. Anthony’s Orphanage at Hewadiwala.

Beginning of Canonical Visit STQP, India

​The Major Superior, Fr.Shajan Pazhayil, accompanied by Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly receives a warm welcome at Rogate Sneha Bhavan, Nalgonda. Fr.  Shajan started his second canonical visit of his mandate as the Major Superior. He will stay up to February 24, visiting the community of Nalgonda. On the way back he will also visit Fr. Joby Kavungal, who is working at Catholic Health Association of India. (CHAI) and Fr. Sabu Pulimalayil, who is  temporarily serving CHAI, waiting for the visa to Australia. 


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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